Okb-1 ef 131


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16 Feb 2018 Based on the Ju 287V2, the OKB-1 in Dessau began to design the EF-131. In January 1946 preparations began for the assembly of the  Have a definition for OKB-1 EF 131 ? Write it here to share it with the entire community. Add Definition. Catalan Pronunciation. 10 Dec 2020 state experimental plant), at Dubna near Moscow, where the third prototype was completed as the OKB-1 EF-131, and flown on 23 May 1947,  Die EF 131 war ein aus der Junkers Ju 287 V2 entwickeltes Strahlbombenflugzeug.

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Určení: ničení pozemních cílů v hloubce území protivníka a ničení pozemních cílů v rámci přímé podpory pozemních jednotek When the Soviets demanded a new jet bomber, Dr. Baade naturally suggested the Junkers Ju 287 series in response, in particular the Ju 287V3, or Junkers EF-131. His Soviet superiors were interested, but the six Jumo 004 engines are deemed impractical, and the powerplant was changed to two Mikulin AM-TKRD-01 turbojets. Jan 30, 2019 · High-speed aircraft designed to attack ground targets by dropping bombs from a high altitude. Carry high load of bombs and powerful defensive armament. Products i use / useful linksBARTSHARP Airbrush 183https://bartsharpairbrush.co.uk/product/bartsharp-airbrush-183-dual-action-gravity-feed/?ref=ScaleHangar18 OKB-1 at GOZ-1 was formed with Dr. Baade as the chief designer, and a very talented team of German engineers seconded by the Soviet government.


L'EF-131 a été conçu en 1945 comme un dérivé du bombardier à ailes avant en flèche Ju 287 sous la direction du concepteur en chef Brunolf Baade et de l'ingénieur en chef Fritz en utilisant la documentation du projet de fragments pour le Ju 287 après que l'Armée rouge a capturé l'usine Junkers à Dessau. 10/28/2010 OKB-1 EF 131 und Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke · Mehr sehen » Junkers Ju 287. Bei der Junkers Ju 287 handelte es sich um einen schweren Mittel- bis Langstreckenbomber mit damals neuartigen, negativ gepfeilten Tragflächen. Neu!!: OKB-1 EF 131 und Junkers Ju 287 · Mehr sehen » Junkers Jumo 004 Применяемость: Junkers/OKB-1 EF 131.

Okb-1 ef 131

The EF-131 was completed and briefly test flown, in Germany, before being dismantled and transported to GOZ-1, (Gosoodarstvenny Optnyy Zavod - state experimental plant), at Dobna near Moscow. OKB-1 at GOZ-1 was formed with Dr. Brunholf Baade as the chief designer, and a very talented team of German engineers seconded by the Soviet government.

Okb-1 ef 131

This aiarcraft became the world's first heavy aircraft with a swept wing. At the same time, the sweep of 20� was an OKB-1 EF 131 Das EF 131 (E ntwicklungs f lugzeug) war ein aus der Junkers Ju 287 entwickeltes Strahlbombenflugzeug. Es entstand kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Dessau durch die Arbeit einer unter sowjetischer Kontrolle stehenden deutschen Entwicklungsmannschaft, in der unter anderem auch Brunolf Baade mitarbeitete. Oct 28, 2010 · Add media RSS OKB-1 EF 131 (view original) embed. share. view previous.

Modules. Engine. Tier Engine Engine Power, hp / Thrust The bomber EF-131 (Ju 131) was made on the basis of the German bomber Ju 287.

Okb-1 ef 131

The '140' was a reconnaissance/bomber aircraft, derived from the OKB-1 EF 131 with Soviet turbojet engines. The initial version, a tactical jet bomber with a secondary reconnaissance role, was initiated as the EF-140 by Dr. Brunolf Baade, at OKB-1, in 1947.The six Jumo 004 engines of the EF-131 were replaced by two Mikulin AM-TKRD-01 axial flow … OKB-1 EF 132 war das Projekt eines sechsstrahligen, strategischen Bombenflugzeugs, Jumo 012 nun als Antrieb das sowjetische AM TKRD-01 von Alexander Mikulin zu verwenden, wie es auch schon beim EF 131 und dessen Nachfolger EF 140 zum Einsatz kam. Traduce okb 1 ef 131. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra. OKB-1 EF 131.

The initial version, a tactical jet bomber with a secondary reconnaissance role, was initiated as the EF-140 by Dr. Brunolf Baade, at OKB-1, in 1947.The six Jumo 004 engines of the EF-131 were replaced by two Mikulin AM-TKRD-01 axial flow … Traduce okb 1 ef 131. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra. L'OKB-1 EF 140 était un avion prototype développé en Union soviétique par des ingénieurs allemands qui avaient été capturés à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.Ils appartenaient à la société allemande Junkers et avaient construit pour les nazis un avion à réaction prototype Junkers Ju 287 qui servit de modèle. Des modifications importantes furent cependant … Die OKB-1 EF 126 war ein deutsches Schlachtflugzeug mit Pulsoantrieb.Die ursprünglich zur Schaffung eines Jagdflugzeugs durchgeführten Projektierungsarbeiten begannen in der Endphase des Zweiten Weltkrieges bei Junkers in Dessau.Nachdem durch das Kriegsende in Europa die Entwicklungsarbeiten zunächst unterbrochen worden waren, wurden sie von einer deutschen … 1/21/2013 September 1946 ins 100 Kilometer nördlich von Moskau liegende Podberesje transportiert, wo die Versuche unter dem Namen OKB-1 EF 131 fortgeführt wurden. Die Flugerprobung der Maschine, während der sie 4,5 Flugstunden absolvierte, begann am 23. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators El OKB-1 EF 140 fue un prototipo de avión desarrollado en la Unión Soviética en el seno de la oficina de diseños OKB-1 por ingenieros alemanes capturados provenientes la fábrica Junkers.El avión fue originalmente concebido como un bombardero, pero mientras estaba todavía siendo diseñado la idea de un bombardero fue abandonada y su diseño fue reestudiado como el de un … Baade (OKB-1) EF131. Typ: lehký taktický bombardovací letoun uzpůsobený pro činnost pouze za dobrých meteorologických podmínek a ve dne.

The EF-131 was completed and briefly test flown, in Germany, before being dismantled and transported to GOZ-1, (Gosoodarstvenny Optnyy Zavod - state experimental plant), at Dobna near Moscow. OKB-1 at GOZ-1 was formed with Dr. Brunholf Baade as the chief designer, and a very talented team of German engineers seconded by the Soviet government. The Soviets built the planned production variant, Ju 287 V3, as the OKB-1 EF-131. This version had retractable landing gear, and 6 BMW 003 engines arranged in clusters of 3 under each wing.

The  30 Jul 2018 The captured German wartime Junkers Ju 287 jet bomber served as the basis for the Soviet post-war OKB-1 EF-131 prototype. Authored By: Staff  25 Oct 2015 EF-140 - Russian built EF-131 with 2 RR Nene (flown in 1948) From late 1944 the Red Army overran many sites where German aircraft  199k members in the Warthunder community. This is a subreddit for War Thunder , a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin … 6 Jun 2019 Junkers/OKB-1 EF 131. 6000000. Before the capitulation of Germany in the war, the Junkers company managed to partially prepare the project  7 Jun 2019 World of Warplanes II Junkers/OKB-1 EF 131.

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Oct 28, 2010 · Add media RSS OKB-1 EF 131 (view original) embed. share. view previous. Share Image. Share URL. Share Image. Embed Image. Embed. Embed Thumb. Comments

Traduce okb 1 ef 131. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra. Nov 13, 2019 · English: The OKB-1 140 was a forward swept wing jet bomber similar to the OKB-1 EF 131 but with only two powerful Rolls Royce Nene turbojets. Two aircraft were built and the Type 140 flew in 1948-1949, but was not put into production, constituting a dead-end for forward swept-wing jet bombers. Media in category "OKB-1 140" that's OKB-1/EF 131 which as based on the JU287 and is not the aircraft in discussion here.

Applicability: Junkers/OKB-1 EF 131. X. 13 mm MG-131. No weapons. No weapons. No weapons. Modules. Engine. Tier Engine Engine Power, hp / Thrust

This aiarcraft became the world's first heavy aircraft with a swept wing. At the same time, the sweep of 20� was an OKB-1 EF 131 Das EF 131 (E ntwicklungs f lugzeug) war ein aus der Junkers Ju 287 entwickeltes Strahlbombenflugzeug.

Apr 01, 2017 · EF-140.